Maxine Factor

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Maxine, a vendor of cosmetics in life, is one of many entities to find relief in undeath - she was overjoyed to discover that ectoplasm doesn't wrinkle.


She was selling cosmetics door to door, until she was poisoned by the old woman and ended up in an unflattering position.

-Beta Epitaph

Maxine Factor is an Apparition who first appears in The Calamityvillle Horror, bound to her makeup case in the boarded up room at the top floor of Hutz's house. If not freed during The Calamityville Horror, she will reappear in Poultrygeist in the same location.

If not freed during either one of these missions, Maxine will appear in Ghostbreakers as one of the ghosts trapped in the Electroplasmic Storage Device.


Maxine is a green skinned woman with blond hair. She wears a yellow buttoned up suit jacket, a pink button up shirt with a laced collar, pink skirt, dark stockings and red heels. Maxine holds a cyan and pink perfume bottle in her left hand and a white powder puff in her right hand, both of which she uses in her idle animations. Maxine's hair is styled in what seems to be a perm. Maxine wears heavy makeup. She wears a heavy white foundation which looks heavily dried up, a messy red lipstick, dark eye shadows and it seems that her brows have been drawn on with a brow crayon. Maxine has a large mole on her left cheek.

How To Free

Maxine will be freed after somebody uses her makeup. Unfortunately, it is stuck in the boarded up room which needs to be opened first. Mortals who can accomplish this are Greg Hutz, Steve Hutz, Detective Norman Franz, Bill Ratzenberger and Laurence Murray (Poultrygeist only). Using Detective Franz and Bill can be difficult as they will not normally wander upstairs. Using Fool's Errand can force them to go upstairs and open the door. Once one of these mortals sees the boarded up room. they will open it. The next step in freeing Maxine is luring a female mortal to her room. None of the male mortals will interact with the makeup kit. Maxine herself posesses the power Intrigue which can be used to lure a female mortal directly to the kit. The usual luring powers also work in bringing a female mortal to the location. After a female mortal uses the makeup kit, Maxine will be set free.

If not freed during The Calamityville Horror, she will reappear in Poultrygeist with the same requirements.

Alternatively, if not freed during either one of these missions, she can be freed in Ghostbreakers by destroying the Electroplasmic Storage Device. (Work in Progress)

Cut Content

Originally, Maxine's skeleton would have been buried underneath the room's floorboards, it is however unknown how exactly the Ghost Master would have revealed the fact to the mortals.


Level Power Teachable
8 Terror Incarnate Frozen Stiff! Yes
7 Obsession Ghostly Apparition Yes
6 Spooky Surprise -
5 Fascinate Yes
4 Ice Breath Yes
3 Strange Vision -
2 Intrigue -
1 Bitter Cold -

Voice lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"Hello, sir, or madam, or... well, whatever you are. Can I interest you in our range of facial care products? Our hydrating night silk works in conjunction with our non-foaming revitalizing face wash and our botanical moisture splash.

May I spritz you with our fragrance? If we could just arrange to demonstrate our products on one of the ladies of the house, I'm sure we can reach some amicable arrangement regarding the purchase of our fine range of perfumery and cosmetic enhancement solutions."

Restless Spirit 2
"A demonstration on one of the lovely ladies of the house would doubtless convince you of the supremacy of our cleansing system."
Lay to Rest
"Perhaps that blusher would better suit madam if her facial skin tone were paler? Shall we find out? Mmmm?"
"Another door in the face…"
Dispel (Unused)
"Time for the vanishing cream…"


Concept Art

Model Renders

In-Game Screenshots


  • Maxine's name is a reference to a well known line of cosmetics called Max Factor.
  • She replaced Crazy Bill's spot as one of the restless spirits in Hutz's house.
  • Maxine's Restless Spirit 1 line is the longest voice line among all ghosts.
  • Maxine's Skeleton would have originally either laid on the floor of her room or be hidden underneeth the floorboards instead of the bed.
  • Originaly Maxine, Arclight and Static could have been freed in Ghostbreakers had you missed them in both The Calamityville Horror and Poultrygeist, Complete Edition however restores that feature.
  • Maxine is a parody of a Multilevel Marketing saleswoman.
  • Maxine's concept art looks a lot more similar to Mortal's concept art. A trait she shares with Flash Jordan.
    • She is also shown carrying a purse which she doesn't have in the final game.
  • For an unknown reason her Collector's Edition Render shows her in a T-Pose unlike all other ghosts with renders like that.
  • Maxine is a direct reference to the 1980s TV show Thirtysomething. During a scene in the show two characters get ambushed by a pushy make-up sales woman who persuades them to have a makeover which ends up looking horrible.
    • The sales pitch they are given in that episode is nearly word for word the same as the one Maxine gives.