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Stories have been told of Wisakejak for as long as stories have been told. He once sold an ocean to a vain prince, including a three year warranty against fire and theft.


This coyote spirit relishes any opportunity for carnage.

-Beta Epitaph

Wisakejak is a Trickster who appears in Full Mortal Jacket, bound to the totem in the Colonel's office. He was also supposed to reappear in Ghost in the Military Machine.


Wisakejak is an anthropomorphic coyote with purple and baige fur and eyes consisting only of black irises. Most of his fur is purple with an exception for his hands, belly and some patches on his ears all of which are baige. He has a short white tail on his back. Wisakejak's face consists of lumpy cheecks and elongated snout. Interestingly enough, Wisakejak has dimples on his cheek.

How To Free

Wisakejak can be freed by burning down the totem he is bound to. Bonfire is the only power which can achieve this, however there are no suitable fetters anywhere near Wisakejak. This can be remedied in few methods. The simplest method is using Wisakejak's Trojan Gift after gathering enough plasm and binding a ghost with Bonfire to the gift. Alternatively, binding a Fetch to the bathroom mirror attached to the office and using their gift powers can also be used. Simply placing the gift and waiting for a mortal to pick it up and bring it to the correct room. Another way is possessing a mortal who goes into the office with Arclight and using Bonfire when they enter the room. Once the totem is burnt, Wisakejak will be set free.


Level Power Teachable
10 Abhorrent Aspect -
9 Trojan Gift -
8 Loathsome Aspect -
7 Shapeshifter -
6 Arboreal Prison -
5 Jinx Fascinate Yes
4 Twisted Vines Ethereal Gift Yes
3 Wild Geese Creepers Yes
2 Intrigue -
1 Fool's Errand Flower Power Yes

Voice lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"That damnable Shaman... tricking me, the oldest trickster of all! He bound me to a tree and told me I would remain there until the forest fires engulfed me. But destiny was cruel, and my timber prison was carved into a totem. Please help free me!"
Restless Spirit 2
"Even phantasmal fire would be enough to disrupt my binding to this wooden totem."
Breaking The Totem Without Burning It
"Breaking the wood into smaller pieces isn`t enough- it must be touched by fire!"
Lay to Rest
"Ahhhh! The cleansing flame! The burning prison! Thank you for your aid, Ghost Master."
"A formidable foe! A worthy defeat!"
Dispel (Unused)
"True intelligence lies in knowing one`s limitations."
Beta Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"That damnable Shaman White Cloud, tricking me Wily, the oldest trickster of all. He bound me to a tree and told me that my freedom laid in it's destruction. But destiny was cruel, incarnating first as planks then then as matchsticks, and to add insult to injury that witless soldier build a model out of me. Please help free me!"
Restless Spirit 2
"I can be freed from the matchsticks if they are finaly destroyed."
Breaking The Model Without Burning It
"Breaking the wood into smaller pieces isn`t enough- it must be destroyed completely."
Lay to Rest
"Ahhhh! The cleansing flame! The burning prison! Thank you for your aid, Ghost Master."
"A formidable foe! A worthy defeat!"
"True intelligence lies in knowing one`s limitations."


In-Game Screenshots


  • All of Wisakejak's animations are named after Barker.
  • His old name was "Wily" and he is still refered to with that name in most places in files and beta voice lines.
  • Originaly Wisakejak would have been bound to a box of matches, and his puzzle back then seems to be about breaking both the matches and some model.
  • Wisakejak's beta voice lines mention a shaman called White Cloud who according to the text file was gonna show up as an actual mortal somewhere but was cut.
  • Wisakejak is based on Wille E Coyote from Looney Tunes.
  • Wisakejak might be based on Wisakedjak, a Native American spirit described as a trickster.
    • In one myth Wisakedjak was responsible for a great flood. While not 100% accurate, Wisakejak's epitaph mentions him selling a ocean to a prince, connecting the two to water and trickery.