Fool's Errand

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Confuses a mortal into hunting around random fetters for something that isn`t there…


Fool's Errand is a tier 1 Mischief power which forces a mortal to run around the level.

A mortal affected by the power will randomly run towards a randomly selected ghost currently in the level, including both normal and Restless Spirits. If there is no haunter besides the caster in the level, the mortal will just run towards a random location.


Ghosts which already know the power:

Ghosts which can swap to the power for free by default:

Ghosts which can learn the power:

Sound Effect


  • The way that the power is described in the power description as well as the official guide is wrong. Unless there's a ghost in the level, besides the one casting it, the mortal will always go towards the ghost, being random otherwise.
  • In the base game, while Lucky did have Fool's Errand as a buyable power, he also already had Cut Lights as a free power in the same slot, making it impossible to actually buy it for him. This has been changed in Complete Edition, making it possible to swap Cut Lights for Fool's Errand if one wishes to.