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Frequent flooding gave this groundhog his love of body surfing but an errant speedboat robbed him of his life. He enjoys putting machines out of action.


This feisty gremlin loves to party.

-Beta Epitaph

Hogwash is a Gremlin encountered in Facepacks & Broomsticks, bound to a jack o'lantern located in the back porch of Kappa Lambda Sorority house.


Hogwash is a groundhog with black fur and small patches of brown fur around his eyes and mouth. Hogwash has two round, glossy black eyes, small black nose and two long ears. His body is small and round, with a small tail coming out of his back. Both his hands and legs end with short black claws. His hands have white palms.

How To Free

Hogwash can be freed by bringing him a source of electricity (an electric fetter) to latch onto. Tony Tupulo, one of the frat boys who stays in one of the bedrooms on the upper floor, wears a pair of headphones which are conveniently an electric fetter. If he is lead to Hogwash while his headphones aren't used by other ghosts, Hogwash will be set free. Unfortunately for us, his headphones are too loud for any noise based attraction powers to have any effect on him. The headphones can be utilized to your advantage however. Using Strange Behaviour or Wild & Crazy will cause them to become louder, making mortals tell Tony to leave the current room. Eventually, he will go into the back porch, freeing Hogwash in the process. Another way of making Tony move is by scaring him using powers such as Human Torch or Spark (Spark only works when a ghost is bound to his headphones). This will cause Tony to run outside and, with a bit of luck, he will go back in through the back porch. Scaring him to a certain point will also cause him to wander at random, which will eventually cause him to go into the same room that Hogwash is in. Fool's Errand and Wild Geese will also lead Tony to Hogwash if he is chosen as the destination of the power. Filling the room with ghosts can increase the chances of that happening.

If Tony is unavailable, an Ethereal Gift with an electrical ghost bound to it can be used instead. Tricia (who is also a bound ghost in this level) can provide one. Any mortal can bring the gift to Hogwash. In the unlikely scenario where both of these methods are unavailable, tossing an electrical fetter into the room Hogwash is in will also work. There is a small camera in the room where Weatherwitch is/was bound to, which can be tossed around with Kinesis. This method is extremely unreliable and may require many Kinesis to work. The camera will be tossed at random, either staying in the room or being placed in a completely different room.


Level Power Teachable
8 Surge -
7 Wild & Crazy Yes
6 Blackout -
5 Jinx Yes
4 Strange Behaviour Yes
3 Blow Fuse -
2 Spark Yes
1 Cut Lights Fool's Errand Yes

Voice lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"Dude, am I glad to see you. Check out this crazy, crusty lightsource device - how retro is this? Those freaky voodoo chicks downstairs accidentally trapped me here while, like, making that spooky protection circle. I`m really gonna need something a bit more, you know, current if I`m gonna bust free. Something with a bit of juice to it."
Restless Spirit 2
"Can`t do much without electricity, dude. Can ya bring me a gadget?"
Tony Tupulo Walks In With The Walkman While A Ghost Is Bound To It
"Yo, dude, that gadget would do super-nicely… if it weren`t already taken."
Lay to Rest
"Oh yeah, this is, like, way cool. Gotta surf the lightning, dude! I`m so totally amped!"
"Wipeout, dude!"
"Bummer! I`m, like, totally routed!"


Concept Art

In-Game Screenshots



  • Hogwash used to have a slightly different restless spirit location, where he would have been sitting next to the table he's normally on.
  • During Facepacks & Broomsticks, if you subverted the witches' circle of protection and get Tony to Hogwash while it's still active, the game will act as if you had a haunter bound to Tony and will play that audio for Hogwash, even if no haunters were bound to him beforehand. This can be fixed by deactivating the circle before Tony steps into the room Hogwash is in.
  • Hogwash's concept art might be a reference to Pikachu, the mascot of Pokemon series.
  • Hogwash was originally supposed to show up in Groundhog Night. However, once that level was cut, he was transferred to Facepacks & Broomsticks.
    • His appearance in that level is probably the reason for making him a Groundhog.