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Lucky found that frat boys are a useful source of food, and so decided to become an Alpha Tau. Sadly, their electrical repair skills were wanting, leading to Lucky's electrocution by their warm but malfunctioning pinball table.


This unlucky black cat was electrocuted when the frat boys set a high score on their pinball table, the place it liked to curl up.

-Beta Epitaph

Lucky is a Gremlin who can be encountered in Weird Séance, bound to the pinball machine located in the living room of Alpha Tau fraternity house.


Lucky is a small orange cat, possibly a Domestic Shorthair, with two large green eyes. She has two short hands with four claws on each and two paws, two large ears with black fur on the tips and a long tail shaped like a lightning bolt. Her fur is mostly orange with yellow splotches all over, black stripes on his back and tail and white fur on his belly. She has four long white whiskers, two on each side of his face.

How To Free

Lucky is loafing around on her "beeping table" and won't leave it until it zaps her. This can be achieved in two ways. The Ghost Master can zap the table themselves by binding an electrical ghost in the room and using either Surge or Sparkstorm. However, there are no other electrical fetters in the room. Binding a Wraith to the moose head located in the same room is the only option the Ghost Master has. Alternatively, if a mortal wins a game of pinball the table will zap Lucky on it's own. Mortals will never win on their own, meaning that the Ghost Master needs to give them extra luck. Lucky possesses the power Charm which can be casted on a mortal who approaches the machine. After a while, they will win which will cause the beeping table to zap Lucky, freeing her in the process.


Level Power Teachable
8 Luckstorm -
7 Wild & Crazy Yes
6 Charm -
5 Jinx Yes
4 Strange Behaviour -
3 Blow Fuse Wild Geese Yes
2 Spark Yes
1 Cut Lights Fool's Errand Swappable

Voice lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"Oh, Hello. I Lucky, and this Lucky's beeping table. Table usually warm and safe, but sometimes table zaps Lucky, which Lucky not like. Table only zaps when two legged things play well, though, and two legged things not play so well no more, so Lucky stay here and keep warm."
Restless Spirit 2
"Lucky stay here as long as two legged things don't win at game and make table zap poor Lucky."
Lay to Rest
"M-Yeeeow! Beeping table not warm and safe at all! Perhaps Lucky will play with you until next nap time."
"Perhaps Lucky not so lucky."
Dispel (Unused)
"Myaah… Lucky not like."
Beta Lines
Restless Spirit 1
“Beeping table warm... nice to curl up here. Two-legs hit beeping table, but Lucky not mind. But something wrong - after two-leg spend longest time hitting table, crackling pain... Lucky out of lives. But Lucky not want to go yet. Still warm, nice to curl up here."
Restless Spirit 2
“Two-legs not hit table so long any more, so no more crackling pain. Lucky sleep, not help.”
Lay to Rest
"M-Yeeeow! Beeping table not warm and safe at all! Perhaps Lucky will play with you until next nap time."
"Perhaps Lucky not so lucky."
"Myaah… Lucky not like."


Concept Art

Model Renders

In-Game Screenshots


  • The yellow splotches on Lucky's fur could be burn marks resulting from the electrocution she suffered.
  • Lucky's lightning tail might be a reference to Pikachu from the Pokemon franchise.
  • Lucky used to be called as Lucky the Cat in the beta
    • That name is also still used in the official Prima guide.
  • Despite having a band 1 power from the start, Lucky can learn Fool's Errand in that slot according to game files which while originally unusable, can now be swapped to in Complete Edition
  • Lucky's beta epitaph implies that originally they might have been intended to be a black cat rather then an orange one.