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There is strength in numbers. Here a murder of crows gathers to take revenge upon its persecutors, assuming the face of its ultimate terror to do so.


The residue of dead crows, vengeful and dark.

-Beta Epitaph

Scarecrow is a Horde encounteered in Spooky Hollow, bound to the field near a large puddle in the left section of the level.


Scarecrow is an amalgamation of crows who assumed a form of a scarecrow made out of hay and with a carved pumpkin for their head. Scarecrow's body is composed of hay kept in place with a yellow button-up shirt and a black and white blouse with a branch coming out of each sleeve. The lower portion of their body is connected to the top by a rope belt which connects the shirt to the trousers which are brown. Each leg sleeve has a branch coming out of it which ends in pointy brown shoes. Their head is made out of a jack-o'-lantern which is able to split open when they are talking. Scarecrow uses a cross made out of pointy sticks to prop themselves altough they aren't connected to the cross and can freely move about as seen in their power animations.

How To Free

Scarecrow can be freed by feeding him blood. This can be achieved by converting the large puddle near them into a blood puddle. Binding a ghost near or to the puddle and casting a Gore power will do the sufficient job. Most gore powers can do it on their own such as Seeping Blood and Gushing Blood, but Gore will not expand the puddle by itself like the other two gore powers do. Making it rain or using Flood on the puddle will cause it to expand and touch Scarecrow. Hard Boiled knows all gore powers, but needs help with getting to the puddle. Either binding a Trickster near the puddle and creating a gift for Hard Boiled to latch onto or luring a child to the puddle with attraction powers. Alternatively, a water elemental can be bound directly to the puddle. Wavemaster can be taught Seeping Blood in the Ghoul Room while Raindancer can be taught Gore and use it in conjunction with Rain to enlarge the puddle. Once blood touches Scarecrow, they will be freed.


Level Power Teachable
6 Legion -
5 Swarm Strike -
4 Twisted Vines Dense Swarm Yes
3 Creepers Yes
2 Brief Scare -
1 Flower Power Yes

Voice lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"A murder of crows… anoint the wicker man… a taste of blood."
Restless Spirit 2
"When blood touches the straw man… this murder will fly."
Lay to Rest
"To the sky… storm of wings… now serve you."
"Too late! Too late!"
Dispel (Unused)
"Away! Away!"
Beta Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"Bring the winged ones! Free us!"
Restless Spirit 2
"Free us! Bring the ones who fly!"
Lay to Rest
"To the sky… storm of wings… now serve you."
"Too late! Too late!"
"Away! Away!"
Unique Sounds
Power sounds
Brief Scare
Dense Swarm
Legion/Swarm Strike
Hide & Seek Sounds (Unused)
Sound 1
*High-pitched laughter*
Sound 2
Sound 3


Concept Art

Model Renders

In-Game Screenshots

Other/Promotional Material


  • As seen in "An Official Render Of Scarecrow and Fingers" Scarecrow used to have a slightly diffrent design where his pumpkin head was covered in blood, the straw was thinner and sharper and their arms were bound with rope, possibly to connect them to the cross. The cross itself was a lot smaller.
  • Scarecrow is one of two ghosts who are an amalgamation of many souls, the other being Hard Boiled.
    • Interestingly, both are comprised of avian animals, Scarecrow is made out of crows while Hard Boiled is made out of poultry.
  • Based on their beta dialouge Scarecrow's puzzle used to be a lot diffrent before as it required you to bring a group of crows to his location so they could free them.