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For half her life, Brigit cared only to be married. Jilted at the altar by her lecherous fiance, she spent the rest of that life stoking her hatred for womanizing men. Her self-appointed role as a ghost is not a surprise.


This jilted bride was driven insane by her lecherous fiance who left her at the altar. She lived in the Asylum (still wearing her wedding dress) until she went to the roof during a thunderstorm and was hit by lightning, falling to her death. She is filled with a mad desire for vengeance against womanising men.


Brigit is a Banshee encountered in Phantom of the Operating Room. She is bound to a set of flowers on a slab located in the morgue of the hospital.


Brigit is a tall, skeletal woman with charred skin resulting from her being struck by lightning. She has black irises and bloodshot, orange eye whites. Brigit is missing her nose, lips and ears as well as legs. Brigit wears a tattered, white wedding dress, a torn veil and long, black gloves. Her dress has a large hole exposing the right side of her abdomen.

How To Free

Brigit will become free after she fulfills her role of Nemesis and exerts her punishment on an unfaithful man. Dr. Seth Greenwood is an ideal candidate for this, due to him flirting with multiple nurses in the hospital. However, Greenwood won't go to the basement under any circumstances while the nurses he flirts with are still present, and even with the use of powers like Fool's Errand, he will only stand at the entrance of the room briefly before leaving. The aforementioned nurses are: Nurse Annie Walker, Nurse Gina Maris, Nurse Sandy Hodge and Nurse Julie Keenan. Scare the nurses away, and eventually Greenwood will go to the morgue to attempt flirting with Dr. Cathy Whinnery (avoid haunting the morgue to ensure Dr. Cathy Whinnery stays there). Once Greenwood enters the room and all the needed nurses are scared away, a cutscene of Seth attempting to flirt with the doctor will play followed by Brigit automatically manifesting herself, scaring the doctor away and laying her to rest.


Level Power Teachable
9 Voice on the Wind -
8 Scared to Death Terror Incarnate Yes
7 Phobia (Noise) -
6 Wail -
5 Numb Thunderclap Yes
4 Insane Invitation -
3 Strange Vision -
2 Gather Winds -
1 Fog Fluster Yes

Voice Lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"My wedding should`ve been happiest day of my life… perhaps it would`ve been if he`d turned up. Wasn`t I enough for him? Why did he need all those others? The voices led me from the white room to the asylum roof, to embrace the lightning. Now they say that philandering men must be punished - that I can`t stop `til in death do they part."
Restless Spirit 2
"I will be vengeance, the voices said. When a man strays from fidelity, Brigit will make them pay."
Confrontation with Dr. Seth/Lay To Rest
"Faithless bespoiler of the purity of love! Brigit curses you with the undying stench of infidelity! Never again will you find solace in a woman`s arms!"
"Spurned again!"
"I think I have to leave."


Concept Art

Model Renders

In-Game Screenshots


  • Brigit has a second model in the files called "brigit_mani", which is a a black skeleton model with Brigit's head and headwear instead of the normal skull model.
  • Brigit's original concept art eventually became Moonscream.
  • Brigit was named "Beryl", "The Bride" and "Zombie Bride" before getting her final name.
  • While not the intended solution, it is possible to free Brigit without scaring the Nurses. Using Fool's Errand on Dr. Seth Greenwood can cause him to enter the morgue even before scaring them, and while he's there you can cast Brigit's Strange Vision power to start her Lay To Rest cutscene if the doctor ends up seeing her.
    • While the "Nurse Skip" still existed before the Chronicler Update, it used to work slightly different as instead of needing Seth to see Brigit manifest all that needed to be done is to spam the button for the power, even if it's on cooldown.
  • Brigit's Manifest animation is the same as Moonscream's.
  • Brigit's is named after Brigid, a pagan goddess from Irish mythology.
    • The reason for such a choice isn't known, however according to a developer it might have just been due to the first three letters of Brigid being the same as the word bride.