Phantom of the Operating Room

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Scare the doctors from their hospital, and send them screaming into the night.


Phantom of the Operating Room is a scenario occurring in the Act 2. It takes place in the Gravenville General Hospital. We haunt this place in order to get rid of the doctors.


Cut Mortals

Restless Spirits

Recommended Ghosts

The hospital is one of the largest levels in the game with some of the most time consuming puzzles, which haunters in this team try to rectify. Moonscream and Weatherwitch are an easy way of freeing Daydreamer, but Moonscream can also be used to free Harriet at the start of the level with a combination of Hogwash's Surge and Clatterclaws' Legion. Quiver can be used to skip all of Brigit's puzzle by casting Fool's Errand on Dr. Seth Greenwood. Clattarclaws, Buck, Firetail and Blue Murder focus on hard hitting powers which can scare the doctors away easily.


Phantom of the Operating Room consists of three levels, a basement, ground floor and first floor with a stairway leading to inaccessible upper levels. The basement consists of a circular morgue and a small utility room with the breaker box. The ground floor consists of a gated courtyard with a parking lot, a round reception area with procedure rooms surrounding it which leads to a large corridor forking out to different rooms consisting of a storage room, two bathrooms, staff room, kitchen and doctors office with a stairway on the upper part of the floor. The first floor consists of two large patient rooms with a nurse station each, two bathrooms and two operating rooms.

Cut Content

Originally, the level had a completely different goal and purpose in the game's plot, due to number of differences info about that version of the scenario can be found on it's own page here.

Narrator Voice Lines

Normal Lines
"It is time to erode another bastion of mortal security, Ghost Master. Turn your attention to the aleady overtaxed Gravenville General Hospital, where souls are stitched back into impermanent bodies without thought being given to the value of such a gesture. You need only remove the senior practicioners of the healing arts to be successful here - though additional mayhem is always appreciated."
Scare the doctors from their hospital, and send them screaming into the night.
Ghostbreakers arrive
"Three Ghostbreakers have arrived, and they are not afraid of no ghost. Beware these dangerous adversaries!"



  • The name of the level is a reference to the 1986 Musical, Phantom of the Opera.
    • Initially the scenario was named Ghoul, Interrupted - a reference to the 1999 movie Girl, Interrupted.
  • Many of the patients in the hospital reference the 1986 Sci-fi/Horror movie, Aliens.
  • The morgue contains jars in which developer heads are placed. This can be seen while using free cam.