Jimmy Dowd

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Jimmy is only happy when he has his toy bunny.

Jimmy's spirit has become lost in astral space.

-Beta version of the bio from Phantom of the Operating Room

Little Jimmy is still weak from having only recently come out of his coma.

Jimmy Dowd is a patient staying at the Gravenville Hospital. He is very attached to his toy bunny to the point that he will cry non-stop once it's stolen by Kevin Caulkin and refuses to drop it once it is returned.

The spirit of Harriet is attached to him, wanting to take care of him.

Cut Content

Jimmy's puzzle used to originally be way different, he would have appeared unconsious in a hospital bed with Harriet still bound to him just like in the final version of the game however instead of bringing back his bunny, the Ghost Master would have had to find Jimmy's soul somewhere in the hospital and then return it back to his body.


  • Jimmy is refered to as "COMA_KID" in his bio entry in the game's text file however his unused What Lies Over the Cuckoo's Nest? line calls him by his name in the prefix instead.
  • Jimmy Dowd is named after Jimmy Tomorrow, a character played by Harrison Dowd in a 1960 television production of The Iceman Cometh.
    • The reason for referencing the Harrison Dowd specifically could be due to playing a character in a stage play of Harriet, which shares it's name with the ghost bound to Jimmy Dowd.
  • Jimmy along with Kevin Caulkin are one of the few children in the game who can be potentially turned insane.