Marcia Hutz

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Marcia lives in a world of her own, and is obsessed with her own hair. She fears head lice.


Marcia Hutz is a member of the Hutz family. She is a friend of Cher Medford, Susan Spofford and Michelle Ridgemont.



  • Model and icon used by Marcia in game was originally meant for Lesley Ann Scarlet.
    • Her unused original model and icon are still present in the game files.
  • Marcia Hutz is based on Marcia Brady, a character from a TV sitcom called The Brady Bunch.
  • In The Calamityville Horror, if her belief rises above 80 while her parents' belief stays below 40, she will call her witch friends causing them to arrive to the level.
  • Jan's bio would mention that Marcia doesn't get along with the dog.
  • Originally the whole Hutz family's surname was Klutz, meaning that Marcia Hutz's original name was Marcia Klutz.