John Hamner Sr.

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Firm but fair, John Hamner is that rarest of things, a good man.

-Bio from Spooky Hollow

John Hamner Sr. is a farmer on the farm located in Spooky Hollow. He's married to Olivia Hamner and has 6 children with her: John Hamner Jr., Mary Ellen Hamner, Ben Hamner, Erin Hamner, Jim Bob Hamner and Elizabeth Hamner.



  • John Hamner Sr. is based on John Walton Sr., a character from a book called Spencer's Mountain by Earl Hamner Jr.
    • In the Book rather then having 6 Children he has 7.
  • His Bio is one of the few that talks about a mortal in a strictly positive light.
  • In Olivia Hamner bio it is said that John, "is not a devout Christian like herself" which could either mean that he's a christian but not as devout as her or that he's not christian at all.