The Blair Wisp Project

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Lead the filmmakers to the cabin and get them to repeat the ritual.


The Blair Wisp Project is a scenario occurring in Act 2. It takes place in the woods surrounding the cabin from Summoners Not Included. We return to this location to finish the summoning ritual in order to fully summon The Darkling.


Cutscene Mortals

Restless Spirits

Recommended Ghosts

The Blair Wisp Project is a purely puzzle level and every ghost provided in the recommended team is useful in either solving the main puzzle or in freeing the bound spirits. Weatherwitch and Whisperwind are both used for freeing Blair Wisp as well as knocking down the tree with the help of Raindancer by causing a thunderstorm, while Arclight can be used to free Sparkle. There are few ways in which the main puzzle of this level can be solved and the rest of the haunters are a reflection of this. Fingers can be used to cast Unearthly Calm and lure the mortals through the most direct way (the lake) using warding powers, while Knuckles and Terroreyes can be used to freeze the level over so the mortals can cross the frozen water. Banzai is invaluable as he can knock down the tree necessary for mortals to get to the cabin. There are few other haunters that can be substituted for better options. Bringing in Blue Murder may also be a good idea due to her Obsession, allowing the Ghost Master to save Darklings Obsession for when the mortals are closer to the cabin. Harriet can be used to create a gift in case you need an additional fetter.


The woods surrounding the cabin consist of a large open area divided into smaller sections by the river running through them and the chasm with a small lake with an isle in the middle of the map. The woods have many bear traps and deer corpses throughout each area of the level. There is a bonfire on the lower right area of the woods to which Sparkle is bound to. The small isle on the lake has a ritual alter with a deer corpse as well as being the area Blair Wisp is bound in. A large tree can be found on the upper part of the map. When this tree is knocked over, it will serve as a makeshift bridge for mortals to use. The cabin itself has no changes from how it was left in Summoners Not Included.

Narrator Voice Lines

Normal Lines
"The Darkling requires more lost souls in order to be freed. On a commission from the University, three foolish filmmakers have entered the forest, in search of a legend, driven by greed. Lead them to the cabin, and get them to perform the summoning ritual again - the Darkling will soon be ours to command."
"Lead the filmmakers to the cabin and get them to repeat the ritual."
Mortals reach the chasm without a bridge
"The mortals are getting close, but they will need something to act as a bridge if they are to cross the chasm."
Mortals reach the cabin 1/2
"The mortals have reached the cabin…"
Mortals reach the cabin 2/2
"Now repeat the ritual and summon the Darkling!"
Summoning succeeded, Darkling captured
"You have succeeded in your task, but it seems the demented Professor was one step ahead of us! We shall attempt a rescue once we have found where the Darkling has been taken."
Mortal flees
"Alas, you need three summoners to complete the ritual."
Beta Lines
"The Darkling should have been summoned to the cabin when you manipulated the foolish mortals into performing the ritual but it was not... it was as if tho much of the power released, was channeled to some purpose or... by some entity, other then the Darkling... The Darkling requires more lost souls in order to be free, the three foolish filmmakers whom we've last encountered in the mansion, have entered the forest, in search of legends, driven by greed! Lead them to the cabin and get them to perform the summoning ritual again. The Darkling will soon be ours to command!"



  • The level is a reference to a 1999 found footage horror movie, The Blair Witch Project.
  • Dr.Krauss and Dr. Brunner exist on the mortals list but never spawn during the scenario besides the ending cutscene.