New Mexico

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New Mexico was a briefly planned expansion for the game. It had a few locations, ghosts, and a rough plot designed for it, but it didn't go much further then that. Currently, the GMCE team has no plans of adding the New Mexico content back to Ghost Master due to the poor quality of it, repetition of already existing cut content, or lack of information.


The plot of the expansion would be set after Trainspooking, where, due to the Ghost Master's failure, the Ether Bomb would be delivered to the Ghoul Room and detonated, which caused the death of almost every single Haunter at their disposal. Having no more ghosts to command, the Ghost Master would leave Gravenville and start their haunting anew in New Mexico.


The new ghosts that the Ghost Master would encounter would have been a mix of cut ghosts being retooled to fit the new setting more as well as some brand new ghosts (However most didn't have proper names), the only ones currently known to have existed are

  • Airfield Ghost
  • Ghost With No Name
  • Hell's Angel
  • Hippy Guru
  • Metal Elemental
  • Mr. Snips
  • Radiation Guy
  • Seymor
  • Silent Movie Actress
  • The Gray Ghost
  • The Last Dodo

For a more through explanation and concept art visit New Mexico Ghosts page.


The New Mexico expansion would consist of seven new missions, all taking place in a Roswell, New Mexico inspired city with an unknown name. The order of these missions is not known besides the revisit of Gravenville Military Base. These levels consist of:

  • Gravenville Military Base revisited - This level would be a prelude to the New Mexico missions. It would consist of the Gravenville Military Base, but this time it would have a hidden underground level (Not too dissimilar to Ghost in the Military Machine.) The lower level of the base would contain trapped haunters from your team. If the Ghost Master managed to infiltrate the base, they could select a group of haunters to take to the New Mexico while the rest would be destroyed by the astral bomb.
  • Center of the city - The center of the city is Roswell inspired, alien obsessed town with trailers, a small church, a car junk yard, a diner and a petrol station. The goal and the restless spirits of the mission is unknown. This level was inspired by West Side Slums, which would appear in A Fistful of Plasm and For a Few Plasm More.
  • Desert Resort - The Desert Resort is a new age/hippy commune resort. The resort would reuse the scrapped Gravenville resort used in I Know What You Did Last Summer Camp and Gone With the Wendigo, with visual changes to reflect the hippy aesthetic. The goal of the mission is unknown and it can be assumed that the Hippy Guru ghost would be present.
  • Drive-In Theater - The Drive-In Theater would be a deserted theater in a middle of the desert. The goal of the mission would be similar to Summoners Not Included, in which the Ghost Master would trick a group of teens into starting up an old movie projector for unknown reasons. Silent Movie Actress is a possible ghost that would appear in this mission. The location itself would be reused from the scrapped Groundhog Night level.
  • Hank's Haunted Hut - A gaudy curio shop with neon signs and an assortment of potions and witchy curios meant to ward off the spirits. The goal and restless spirits of this mission are unknown.
  • Hacienda - A Spanish inspired mansion, occupied by mobsters. The goal of the mission would have been similar to Deadfellas, while the restless spirits are unknown.
  • Military Base - Area 51 inspired military base, hidden under a shack in the middle of the desert. The goal and the restless spirits of this mission are unknown, although it is possible that the Grey Ghost, Radiation Guy, and Airfield Ghost would appear in this mission.
  • New Ghoul Room - The new Ghoul Room would take a form of a boot-hill cementary in the middle of the desert. It would be a lot smaller than the original Ghoul Room and would consist of few tombstones, a broken down wagon, and a campfire which all the ghosts would gather around.



  • The whole plan for the expansion only existed for a few days before being completely scrapped due to the studio's closure.
  • The only thing from the expansion that managed to get into the final game were leftover particle effects for Seymor.