The Calamityville Horror

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Reveal the hidden corpses to the mortals.


The Calamityville Horror is a scenario occuring in Act 1. It's the first of two missions taking place in Hutz's house. We come to this house in order to uncover the dark secret of it's previous occupant.


Cut Mortals

Restless Spirits

  • Arclight - Bound to his corpse in the bricked up room in the basement.
  • Maxine Factor - Bound to her make-up kit in the boarded up room on the second floor.
  • Static - Bound to the TV antenna on the roof of the house.

Recommended Ghosts

This team gives the Ghost Master an ability to solve most of the puzzles in the house in different ways. Stonewall is invaluable in unearthing Static's and Arclight's corpses while Boo is a great luring ghost with his Rattle Chains. Smokin' Joe or Terroreyes can be used to light the fireplace in the living room with their cold powers, causing smoke to bellow out of it if Static's corpse is still stuck in it, as well as having Attraction powers for getting mortals to Maxine's room. Weatherwitch can be helpful due to her Siren Song and the ability to keep mortals inside with Thunderclap. Whirlweird can be safely replaced for another ghost with luring powers as it provides little utility in this haunting, but it can offer another way of freeing static with it's cold powers/Kinesis.


The Calamityville property consists of a three story house with a basement and a flat roof and a large outside area with a shed and walkways around the garden. The ground floor consists of a long hallway connecting to a piano room, a dining room, with a small alcove with a computer in it, and smaller hallway. It also contains the stairs to the upper floors and the basement. The smaller hallway leads to a small living room and a kitchen. The first floor consists of three large bedrooms with one of them having an ensuite bathroom, a smaller bathroom and a lounge connected to a office area. The second floor consists of a two bedrooms, a bathroom and a walkway to the roof as well as the boarded up room containing Maxine's corspse. The rooftop has a walkable area on it with few potted plants scattered around. The roof itself has few chimneys on it. The chimeny on the lower left contains Static's bones in it. The basement of the house consists of many rooms used as storage or work areas. One of the rooms in the basement is used as a gym and is connected to a bricked up room containing Arclight's bones. The house has a large deck around it. The outside area has a long decorative path looping around the house. The backyard of the house has a strange outline on it with few strange bones scattered around.

Narrator Voice Lines

Normal Lines
"A sweet little old lady used to dwell within these walls, but her mind was fading and her sanity fleeting. She loved receiving visitors, and hated to see them go. So she administered arsenic in their tea, and made certain they would stay a while... stay forever. The house itself has become unsettled by these events, and although it is not truly sentient we still have a duty to protect the interests of the unseen world. Let the events that have until now been hidden become known to the mortals - reveal the corpses to them and your goal shall be fulfilled, but beware, for one cadaver may not suffice to convince the sceptical police that something sinister is afoot."
"Reveal the hidden corpses to the mortals."
Mortal discovers the first skeleton
"The mortals have discovered a skeleton; now it must be shown to the police."
Mortal discovers the second skeleton
"They have found a second corpse - show it to the police and victory shall be yours."
Bill Ratzenberger arrives
"The handyman has arrived - he may be useful in revealing the bodies."
Witches arrive
"Oh dear! It seems the female teenage mortal has friends who dabble in the occult. These witches may be bothersome if you do not eliminate them!"
Police arrives
"The Police have arrived - let them conduct their investigation."
Police finds the first skeleton 1/2
"The mortal law enforcers have located a corpse."
Police finds the first skeleton 2/2
"See that they discover another to complete your task."
Police after discovering the first skeleton
"The Police will report this body, but it will take the discovery of a second corpse to initiate a full investigation."
Scaring a mortal off
"Without mortals, you will never be able to expose the corpses."
All mortals scared off
"There can be no doubting your haunting skills - the house has been emptied of mortals. Sadly, this means that your mission has failed, as there is no-one left to discover the corpses."


Concept Art

Beta Renders


  • There was supposed to be a cat Peter and a dog Jan present in the level.
  • If Marcia's belief rises above 80 while their parents' belief stays below 40, she will call her witch friends causing them to arrive to the level.
  • The level itself is a refrence to Amityville hauntings.
    • Both Amityville house and Calamityville house had a series of murders that took place in it.
    • The lit part of the house in the poster looks similar to the actual Amityville house.
    • The family that expirienced the Amityville haunting were called Lutz's.
      • The name Hutz in the game is also a reffrence to the character of Lionel Hutz from The Simpsons.
  • The level is also a refrence to a fictional book and movie series, Amityville Horror.
  • Despite being a later level, Poultrygeist was planned first and then the team backtracked to create The Calamityville Horror.
  • This is the only location with a room being a fetter itself, with Maxine's room serving as a Murder fetter.