The Unusual Suspects

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Empty Hell Street precinct station of all mortal presence.


The Unusual Suspects is a scenario occurring in Act II. It takes place in Hell Street Police Precinct of Gravenville. We haunt this location in order to cause more chaos on Gravenville's streets by attacking a "bastion of order and civic duty".


Cut Mortals

Restless Spirits

Recommended Ghosts

This team can free all the restless spirits with relative ease as well as well as hit mortals hard. Cogjammer is great as he is able to both build a lot of belief for mortals as well as freeing Electrospasm with just one use of Strange Behaviour. Him and Firetail also serve as great ghosts to place in the main room of the police station due to high foot traffic of that area. Stonewall is a necessary ghost to bring to this haunting due to the fact they are the only ghost who can free Banzai. Buck is an overall great haunter for this mission as he can scare both inside and outside areas, while Tricia can be used to quickly deal with the lobby with Clone. Smokin' Joe is useful in freeing Blue Murder thanks to his attraction powers and ability to learn Hidden Maze. Thorne can be useful, yet expensive option when dealing with mortals due to his hard hitting powers and ample Water fetters throughout the station. Raindancer serves a similar purpose, but is more geared towards building up belief. Torchy and Moonscream are both good options for outside, with Moonscream providing additional inside utility.


The Hell Street police precinct is made up of a ground floor with a parking lot, a basement and the surrounding streets. The ground floor consists of a waiting room with the bonsai tree, an operations room, interrogation room, a radio room, chief's office and a police lineup room. The basement consists of a cell block with three cells, a morgue, an evidence room with a guard room in front of it and a disused execution room with an cell to the left of it which may have been used as holding cell for death row inmates.

Narrator Voice Lines

"The mortals of Gravenville are sorely shaken by your victories; now you must capitalise on your successes by taking away their sense of security. Hell Street precinct station serves much of the city, and is a bastion of order and civic duty... the perfect target. Empty it of all mortal presence and you cannot fail to spread fear into the heart of the city."


Concept Art:


  • This scenario is a reference to the 1995 Thriller/Crime, The Usual Suspects.
  • Bill Ratzenberger was supposed to appear in this mission. He was replaced with Julia Wu in the final release.
  • Many of the mortals who appear in this mission were supposed to appear in A Fistful of Plasm. This includes some of the inmates, Margaret Quinn, Julia Wu and Ursula Kudrow.
  • If the Ghost Master doesn't perform any actions for a prolonged period of time, some of the inmates will be brought up to the police lineup while either Julia Wu or Ursula Kudrow will point out one of them.
  • The name of the station Hell Street is a reference to a TV show called Hill Street Blues
    • The Unusual Suspect was originally named Hell Street Blues as well to add on to that reference.
  • If the Ghost Master opens up the prison cells in the police station's basement, the trapped prisoners will attempt to escape the police station and unless they are stopped and brought back to their cells by one of the police officers, they will fully escape the level with their icon disapearing from the ui to show that fact