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Disable the Astral Security System, free the ghosts trapped in the ESD and leave no sane mortal within the building.


Ghostbreakers is a scenario occurring in Act 3. It's a second scenario taking place in the Hell Street Police Precinct after The Unusual Suspects. We return to this location in order to directly combat the Ghostbreakers and free any spirits they might have trapped in the ESD.


Cut Mortals

Restless Spirits

The rest of the cells will be filled with 2 (or 3 when revisiting) ghosts from the following list that have not yet been freed:

Recommended Ghosts

The recommended team for this mission allows for two approaches to it. The infiltration route using Tricia's/Harriet's Ethereal Gift or the direct assault route utilizing Hogwash's/Stormtalon's Blackout. This mission introduces electrical wards which can be disabled if destroyed, making all the recommended Electrical haunters indispensable, especially if they know Surge. The aforementioned Stormtalon is especially valuable in this mission due to his possession of Rain which can break all of the wards instantly. Sparkle is also quiet useful due to owning Inferno from the get-go, allowing for quick breakage of the ESD after reversing the flow of ventilation to the morgue. Scarecrow, Buck and Dragoon are great outside coverage ghosts with hard hitting powers, as well as Clatterclaws , Soulscreech and Firetail. If the Ghost Master decides to not play with gift powers, replacing Tricia might prove useful too.


Ghostbreakers uses the same layout as The Unusual Suspects, with additions of new machinery and Ghostbreakers truck replacing the police car on the parking lot of the Precinct . Additionally, there is a pickaxe blocking the electric chair control. The ESD has been placed in the morgue due to its need for cold temperatures alongside the red ward. The blue and green ward as well as the astral alarum have been placed on the ground floor of the station, with the generator powering the blue ward being placed in the evidence room.

Cut Content

Originally, destroying the Ectoplasmic Storage Device would have also caused the Ghostbreaker equipment to stop working, taking away their ability to banish haunters.

In addition, one of the original trapped ghosts would have been Thorne, who would be recruited in this level after being an enemy haunter in The Abysmal.

Narrator Voice Lines

Normal Lines
"These Ghostbreakers have been causing trouble across the city and must be dealt with. They have taken up residence in the precinct station, and have prepared for a siege. Beware their defences - many wards and alarums will conspire to restrict your access - and to draw the enemy to your activities. Once you penetrate the outer ward, you will only be able to lie unnoticed where the flow of plasm is muted. Your primary goal is the Ectoplasmic Storage Device - their ghost prison. This machine is sizeable, and requires a cold environment for proper function. It is doubtless installed within a large, cold room. Destroy it to free - and recruit - the ghosts within. Cunning and valour will bring victory over these upstart mortals - all must be driven out of the building, or out of their minds. We are counting upon your success."
"Disable the Astral Security System, free the ghosts trapped in the ESD and leave no sane mortal within the building."
Green ward disabled
"The green ward has been disrupted! Now is your chance to infiltrate the Ghostbreaker`s offices"
Green ward destroyed
"Good work - the green ward will function no more."
Blue ward disabled
"The blue ward is down."
Red ward disabled
"You have disabled the red ward."
Alarm active
"Your haunter`s powers have triggered an alarum!"
Alarm destroyed
"The Astral Alarum has been broken; now the Ghostbreakers will have to work harder to detect your haunters."
Ectoplasmic Storage Device destroyed 1/2
"The ESD has been successfully disabled."
Ectoplasmic Storage Device destroyed 2/2
"Disabling the ESD has added to your recruits…"
Ectoplasmic Storage Device destroyed (Unused) 1/3
"The destruction of the Ghostbreaker`s storage device has disabled the Ghostbreakers weapons - they are at your mercy!"
Ectoplasmic Storage Device destroyed (Unused) 2/3
"The Ghostbreaker`s storage device is ruinously compromised! Now empty the offices of rational presence!"
Ectoplasmic Storage Device destroyed (Unused) 3/3
"Now finish off the Ghostbreakers!"
Examining Trapped Ghosts
Blue Murder 1/2
"Blue Murder has more experience of locking others up than being imprisoned herself. Rescue her!"
Blue Murder 2/2
"Blue Murder is a law-abiding Apparition."
Electrospasm 1/2
"Electrospasm has plenty of experience of captivity - he would no doubt feel indebted to the one who freed him."
Electrospasm 2/2
"Electrospasm is a potent Wraith."
Banzai 1/2
"A prison such as this is no place for as noble an earth elemental as Banzai! Disable the ESD!"
Banzai 2/2
"Banzai is an honourable spirit of the earth."
Windwalker 1/2
"Windwalker is a tempestuous haunter - it would be wise to free him from the Ghostbreaker prison!"
Windwalker 2/2
"Windwalker is a Wendigo, a spirit of ice and wind."
Arclight 1/2 (Site-logo.pngRestored)
"Arclight is trapped in the ESD! Free him to recruit him to your cause!"
Arclight 2/2 (Site-logo.pngRestored)
"Arclight is a Mane, and wields fiery powers."
Maxine Factor 1/2 (Site-logo.pngRestored)
"Maxine has been captured by the Ghostbreakers, and isn`t too happy. Break her free!"
Maxine Factor 2/2 (Site-logo.pngRestored)
"Maxine is a well-groomed Apparition."
Static 1/2 (Site-logo.pngRestored)
"The Ghostbreakers equipment nullifies a ghost`s powers, and Static will need aid to break loose."
Static 2/2 (Site-logo.pngRestored)
"Static, a Wraith, specialises in electrical haunting."
Beta Lines
"These Ghostbreakers have been causing trouble across the city and must be dealt with. They have taken up residence in the precinct station, and have prepared for a siege. Beware their defences - many wards and alarums will conspire to restrict your access - and to draw the enemy to your activities. Once you penetrate the outer ward, you will only be able to lie unnoticed where the flow of plasm is muted. Your goal is the Ectoplasmic Storage Device - their ghost prison. This machine is sizeable, and requires a cold environment for proper function. It is doubtless installed within a large, cold room. Destroy it to free the ghosts within and to render the enemies weapons ineffective , they will be at your mercy... if you have any! Cunning and valour will bring victory over these upstart mortals - all must be driven out of the building, or out of their minds. We are counting upon your success."



  • The name of the scenario references the 1984 Comedy, Ghostbusters.
    • In the movie, the Ghostbusters use an old fire station as their headquarters, not too dissimilar to Ghostbreakers using an abandoned police station as theirs.
  • The Clamityville Horror restless spirits were originally planned to appear as ghosts trapped in the ESD if they haven't been freed in either Calamityville or Poultrygeist. This was restored in the Complete Edition mod.