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Harriet is a pookah, that rare form of spirit which has a genuine love of mortals. She is vaguely confused as to why her friends tend to end up in white, padded rooms, but doesn't let it bother her.


This pookah takes the form of a hare, and has been hanging around with a little kid in Gravenville.

-Beta Epitaph

Harriet is a Trickster encountered in Phantom of The Operating Room, bound to Jimmy Dowd, a child she is taking care of.


Harriet is a tall, anthropomorphic rabbit woman with beige and white fur. Harriet's body is mostly covered in beige fur with a large patch of white fur going through her belly and mouth area, as well as a small, puffy white tail. By her own admission, she possesses a pair of large thighs. She stands on two feet and uses her hands as any normal person would. Harriet has a pair of long ears and two pairs of whiskers on her head. She has a pink nose, two rabbit teeth, and a pair of green eyes on her face.

How To Free

Harriet can be freed by bringing a stuffed rabbit back to Jimmy Dowd. The rabbit has been stolen by another mortal named Kevin Caulkin, who has to be scared in order to retrieve the bunny toy. Kevin keeps to the ground floor of the hospital, making it more difficult to retrieve the toy. When scared, Kevin will drop the toy. However, he will pick it up immediately. Kevin needs to be scared to a point of near fleeing before he stops coming back for the toy. When Kevin finally stops trying to retrieve the stuffed bunny, it is recommended to scare him away permanently as to prevent him from grabbing the toy again (Be wary that as soon as the first mortal flees the scene of the haunting, 3 Ghostbreakers will come down from the roof of the hospital and will attempt to banish your ghosts, including Harriet). Any mortal who sees the bunny toy will pick it up. Dr. Seth Greenwood is a good candidate for bringing the toy back as he naturally wanders all around the hospital in order to flirt with the nurses. If a mortal who doesn't naturally go upstairs picks the toy up, the mortal can either be scared into dropping the toy or be lured upstairs using warding powers. Harriet knows Ethereal Gift from the start, which can be used in order to bind a ghost with warding powers to it. As soon as a mortal steps into the room with Jimmy, they will drop the toy and Jimmy will pick it up, freeing Harriet.


Level Power Teachable
10 Abhorrent Aspect -
9 Trojan Gift Yes
8 Luckstorm Loathsome Aspect Yes
7 Shapeshifter -
6 Charm -
5 Jinx Fascinate Yes
4 Ethereal Gift -
3 Wild Geese Creepers Yes
2 Intrigue Yes
1 Flower Power -

Voice lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"Are you a Ghost Master? Oooooh, I never could resist a spirit in uniform. I'm a bit tied up lookng after the kid at the moment - his stuffed rabbit got stole, see and now the little tyke just won't stop crying. But if you could help us, maybe I could come work for you. Bet you don't see many Tricksters with gams like these, huh?"
Restless Spirit 2
"Returning a kid's bunny toy shouldn't be hard for a big, powerful spirit like you."
Lay to Rest
"Awww, there's nothing chokes me up like seein' a boy and his bunny reunited. Thanks, boss!"
"These mortals are just no fun."
Dispel (Unused)
"I`m gonna hole up for a while."
Beta Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"Are you a Ghost Master? Oooooh, I never could resist a Spirit in uniform… If I wasn’t tied up looking after the kid, maybe I could come work for you. Must be something an old Pookah can do for you. Bet you don’t see many Tricksters with gams like these."
Restless Spirit 2
"You help me get the kid back into his body, I’ll show you a trick or two.”
Lay to Rest
“Aww, look at the little tyke, all souled up. Right, job done, what’s next boss?”
“These mortals are just no fun.”
“I’m gonna hole up for a while.”


Concept Art

Model Renders

In-Game Screenshots


  • Harriet is based on a Pooka. Pookas are shapeshifting creatures from Celtic folklore that can bring about both good and bad fortune. They often take appearance of hares, just like Harriet.
  • Harriet might be based on the titular character from Harvey, a 1950 comedy about a man and his "imaginary" rabbit friend named Harvey.
  • Harriet's personality and looks are based on Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a 1988 Comedy.
  • Harriet's skull appears on the poster of Phantom of The Operating Room.
  • Harriet's bio states that she causes mortals to be locked up in padded cells. This could be a foreshadowing of What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest?, where it is revealed that the upper floors of the Gravenville Hospital are used as a psychiatric ward.
  • The plush bunny owned by Jimmy shares a striking resemblance to Harriet.
  • Harriet's beta voice lines seem to imply that she would have originally had a different puzzle, one where instead of bringing a plush bunny to a kid we would bring back a kid's soul to their body.
  • Harriet used to have a different camera when talking to her in early versions of the game.
    • The reason for the change was because she was supposed to spawn in a different spot originally, but due to being bound to Jimmy Dowd she was automatically placed next to him and uses an automatic camera for her cutscenes.