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It doesn't pay for an anaesthatist to be distracted when preparing chloroform, as Daydreamer found out during his heart attack. When this sandman sleeps, it takes a particularly loud noise to wake him.


Lieutenant Jackson was blackmailed by Thorne into helping the pirate commit robbery. Now, under the name Daydreamer, he's learning to be a Sandman.

-Beta Epitaph

Daydreamer is a Sandman encountered in Phantom of the Operating Room, bound to an air tank in the operating room located to the bottom right of the second floor. If not freed during Phantom of the Operating Room, he will reappear in What Lies Over the Cuckoo's Nest? in the same location, bound to the operating table instead.


Daydreamer is a tall man with sand covering him from head to toe. He wears what seems to be a 1860's Union uniform covered in sand. The uniform features a forage cap, a pair of trousers, a coat, a shirt with ornate cuffs and a pair of boots. The coat is the only piece of his clothing with any sort of detail to it. The sleeves have a private second class symbol on them, the chest of the coat is unbuttoned showing his shirt underneath. There are two shoulder guards on each shoulder of Daydreamer's coat. Daydreamer has a long, pointy beard in style of a chin curtain. He has brown eyes which, interestingly enough, are the only part of his body that aren't covered in sand, with his eye whites remaining white.

How To Free

Daydreamer is in a deep slumber and has to be awoken in order for him to join the Ghost Master's team. Daydreamer cannot be freed with usual loud noises like Rattle Chains or Shattering Song. Instead, you need to use Cacophony next to the room Daydreamer is located in. Alternatively, smell powers can be used to wake Daydreamer up. In reference to her dialogue when being a restless spirit herself, If Weatherwitch is brought into the level, she can free Daydreamer by using Thunderclap near his location. She is the only ghost capable of doing so and if Daydreamer is freed this way, he will have a unique dialogue pertaining to the situation.

Cut Content

Daydreamer used to originally be called Lieutenant Jackson back when he was alive centuries before the events of the game. He would have been blackmailed into helping the pirate Thorne commit some sort of robbery which would have eventually led to his death as the pirate ship he was on sunk.

As a Ghost in The Abysmal he would have been bound to a clock in the ship but due to the darkness of the depths, would not know where it is and as such could not free himself unless a mortal was to find the clock and turn it on.

In addition, Daydreamer was mutually in love with Lady Rose however due to her wedding vows made with Thorne the pair would not be able to be joined together unless they were made null.


Level Power Teachable
10 Expose Fears -
9 Psychotic Rage Yes
8 Unearthly Calm -
7 Sleepwalk -
6 Aura Reading Yes
5 Sleep -
4 Delusion Taste Aura Yes
3 Dreamthief -
2 Shattered Nerves Yes
1 Fluster Uncover Fear Yes

Voice lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
Restless Spirit 2
"ZZZzzz… ZZzzz…"
Restless Spirit 2 (Alternative 1)
"ZZZzzz… ZZzzz… Zzzz…"
Restless Spirit 2 (Alternative 2)
Lay to Rest (Normal)
"Humh?! Whussat? I must have dropped off for… a century or so… Hummm… I guess it's time for work."
Lay To Rest (With Weatherwitch)
"Aaah! Oh my, I've not heard a storm like that since… ooh, since I last worked with Weatherwitch."
"Oh dear, I've been banished."
"I'm going back to bed."
"I can't find any patients, so I shall take a brief nap."
Beta Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"Lieutenant Jackson, sir, of Fort Gravenville. My love for Lady Rose, the wife of that blackguard Thorne, led to my foolish role in his mad scheme and so my current predicament. I believe that I am bound to a clock – but have no idea where in this chamber it may be. If eyes cannot find it, how else may it be revealed?”
Restless Spirit 2
"If a mortal touched this silent timepiece, perhaps I could fulfil my dreams of escape…”
Lay to Rest
“At last! Free to join my one true love. I thank you, sir – you can count upon my support.”
"I fear that my battle, ends here."
"Wounded Sir! And withdrawing."


In-Game Screenshots


  • Daydreamer is the the only ghost to have an alternative Laid to Rest speech which triggers under specific circumstances.
    • He is also the only ghost that directly references another haunter in his laid to rest speech, as he references Weatherwitch in his alternate Laid to Rest speech.
      • According to said line, he used to once work with Weatherwitch.
  • Daydreamer is the only ghost with a unique pose in the Ghoul Room.
    • He and Lucky are also the only ghosts with a unique Restless Spirit animation.
  • Daydreamer, along with Darkling, is the second least recommended ghost. He has only one recommendation in the entire game.
  • Daydreamer was supposed to appear in The Abysmal as a restless spirit.
  • Daydreamer remains in the same spot in both Phantom of the Operating Room and What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest? but changes his fetters, being bound to an air canister and bed respectively.
  • His mortal name, Lieutenant Jackson might be a reference to Jack Dawson, a character from a 1997's movie called Titanic.