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The multitudious lifeforms that crawl and proliferate upon land are mere echoes of the legacy of Wavemaster's kind.


This spirit of the ocean became trapped in the bilge pumps of a motor yacht.

-Beta Epitaph

Wavemaster is a Water Elemental who can be encountered in Deadfellas, bound to the ships engine in the engine room of the ship.


Wavemaster is a small humanoid creature with red eyes and pale purple skin with dark purple streaks going through their arms and legs. Wavemaster is naked with visible breasts. Their hands and feet resemble fins which they use to hover in the air. Wavemaster's head has a large pertrusion coming from her head which resembles a dorsal fin of a fish. The back of their head shows a white part which could be their skull. Bubbles are constantly bobing up around Wavemaster.

How To Free

Wavemaster can be freed by having a mortal use the bilge pump. Luring a mortal to the lower deck where Wavemaster is using attraction powers like Rattle Chains from Boo and then using water powers like Leak (Also available on Boo) or Flood (Raindancer) will cause the mortals to go and use the bilge pump. Remember that ghosts can't use the bilge pump themselves as this will cause the machine to go out of control and not do it's function (This will also play a unique dialogue form the Narrator). Once the bilge pump is activated, Wavemaster will be set free.


Level Power Teachable
8 Flood Yes
7 Haunted Hail Seeping Blood Yes
6 Gore Yes
5 Thunderclap -
4 Hailstones -
3 Rain Leak Yes
2 Distant Thunder -
1 Fog -

Voice lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"They call me Wavemaster, spirit of the ocean, undine of the deep. Curse the progeny of monkeys, they who reave the waves, and cast their fellow beings into the deep, their tendrils swathed in stone. Now they have imprisoned me within this dark oubliette, from which I cannot escape. If only the mortals were sufficiently motivated to empty this vile bilge water…"
Restless Spirit 2
"If you can restore blessed freedom to this imprisoned spirit by operating the pump, Wavemaster will pledge her fealty to your cause."
Lay to Rest
"Aaaah… the vastness of the ocean is mine once more. It will be my honour to serve you."
"My tide has turned…"
Dispel (Unused)
"Wavemaster is drained…"
Beta Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"They call me Wavemaster, spirit of the ocean, undine of the deep. Curse the progeny of monkeys, they who reave the waves, and cast their fellow beings into the deep, their tendrils swathed in stone. Now they have imprisoned me within this dark oubliette, from which I cannot escape..."
Restless Spirit 2
"If you can restore blessed freedom to this imprisoned spirit, Wavemaster will pledge her fealty to your cause..."
Lay to Rest
"Aaaah… the vastness of the ocean is mine once more. It will be my honour to serve you."
"My tide has turned…"
"Wavemaster is drained…"


In-Game Screenshots


  • Wavemaster's spawn and camera are placed in such a way that they need to make a 180o turn in order to face the camera.
  • Wavemaster's Restless Spirit 1 line could mean that she saw Fingers being droped into the ocean but it could also just reffer to the mafia doing it to people in general.
  • Wavemaster, alongside all the restless spirits from Deadfellas, has a modifier increasing fear dealt to Don.
  • Air Elementals and Water elementals share certain animations with each other such as banishment and power usage animations.