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Azrael was hailed on the highways as the Angel of Death. His demise is shrouded in mystery, as no one dares to ask how he lost his head.


Azrael is a Headless Horseman who was supposed to appear in Ghost in the Military Machine as an enemy haunter controlled by MIB.

Later on, after he was cut, there was an attempt to bring him back in the scrapped New Mexico expansion pack under the name Hell's Angel, where he was more of a standard motorcycle biker seemingly without a MIB connection.


Azrael is a headless skeleton sitting on top of a skeletal motorcycle. Azrael wears a black leather body armour, adorned with silver bracers and skull shaped spaulders with a large set of horns coming out of them, a black tactical belt with a white horned skull buckle and black combat boots with white accents. The armour itself has an intricate design going through it, the meaning of which is unknown. Azrael's bike is mostly comprised out of ivory skeleton, possibly that of a bison or a bull. The skull itself has red, glowing eyes. The horns of the skull are used as handlebars while the spine was turned into a front fork which connects to a cylindrical contraption at the front of his bike. A set of three ribs is coming out of what appears to be the fuel tank as well as a long seat with black padding on it and two long exhaust pipes coming out of it's right side. The tires themselves are lacking rims and seem to be put in motion by a cylindrical contraption. They themselves are also on fire.

Cut Content

Azrael was supposed to appear in Ghost in the Military Machine as an enemy haunter. He would be another experiment made by the MIB in order to combat our efforts in Gravenville. It is currently unknown if he was supposed to be freed at any point.


Level Power Teachable
10 Deadly Pursuit Yes
9 Psychotic Rage Yes
8 Terror Incarnate Great Balls of Fire Swappable
7 Phobia (Fire) -
6 Chase Human Torch Swappable
5 Bonfire -
4 Hide & Seek -
3 Strange Vision -
2 Shattered Nerves Brief Scare Yes
1 Sweat Fluster Yes

Voice Lines

Normal Lines
"My mission has been terminated by hostile forces."
"Standing down!"
Unique Sounds
Hide & Seek Noises
Sound 1
*Evil laugh*
Sound 2 (Unused)
*Deep noises*
Sound 3 (Unused)
*Slightly higher but still deep noises*
Unknown Sounds
Unknown 1
*Fading laugh*
Unknown 2
*Loud groaning*
Unknown 3
*Spooky noises*
Unknown 4
*Bizzare yet happy laughing*
Unknown 5
*Still bizzare but more excited laughing*


Concept Art

Model Renders

In-Game Screenshots


  • Azrael is the only unused ghost that does not have an icon, instead he has a placeholder icon.
    • He was later given a proper ghost icon in Ghost Master Complete Edition.
    • He's however not the only one to lack an icon in the game as Whirlweird lacks an Icon for being a not found Restless Spirit, which all other ghosts possess.
  • Azrael is inspired by Ghost Rider, a character from Marvel Comics first created in 1975.
  • Both his name and title "Angel of Death" are a reference to Azrael, an Angel of Death from Abrahamic religions.
  • Azrael originally wore a helmet. However, it was removed due to him not looking headless enough with it.
  • Azrael, Soulscreech, Thorne and Smokin Joe have all been left over in the game files in a playable state but were not accessible by normal means.
    • They were all the first ghosts to be added by Complete Edition.
  • All Pursuit powers in the game have a special noise for each haunter that can cast it, originally however, Azrael lacked those sounds in the files.
  • Both Azrael's and Soulscreech's beta epitaph is "Unknown - enemy haunter so you should not be reading this".
  • Due to the lack of a proper epitaph, Azrael's current one was fully created by the Complete Edition team.