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Fire seems to dance throughout the area.


Bonfire is a tier 5 heat power which causes objects in the room/around the haunter to burst into flames.

All mortals present suffer Medium Fire Horror and become Uneasy.

If Bonfire is used next to a fireplace, it will light it up, creating a new Fire fetter in the room.


Ghosts which already know the power:

Ghosts which can learn the power:

Sound Effect


  • The true nature of fire powers is very confusing. Based on Wisakejak's Restless Spirit dialogue, the power is an illusion rather than a real fire, and Bonfire's description of "Fire seems to dance throughout the area." supports that as well. In addition, none of the fire powers are able to deal damage to their surroundings, which would make sense if it's just an illusion. However, Fire powers are also able to light up Fireplaces, turning them into real fetters one could use, and are able to melt Stay Cold Ice Cream Man meaning that they must also be real in at least some way.