Hide & Seek

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The haunter surprises the mortal a handful of times.


Hide & Seek is a tier 2 Pursuit power which causes the Haunter to become visible and attack a mortal.

Targeted mortal gets dealt Light Hunted Horror and Light Belief. If a mortal has over 50 Belief, they may suffer additional Light Hunted Horror hits (50% chance of each additional hit, maximum five hits) as the ghost chases them.

The power will only work while a mortal remains in the room the haunter is in and will immediately stop if they leave.


Ghosts which already know the power:

Ghosts which can learn the power:


  • Hide & Seek is the only Pursuit power that will stop if a mortal leaves the area of the haunter.
    • Due to this, the power is way harder to use on Boo and Wendel, as they have long power animations and then need to approach the mortal before using the power.
  • The power works quite different depending on which ghost group uses it:
    • For Azrael, it works similarly to regular chase powers, and due to being an Outside only ghost, he doesn't have to worry about a mortal leaving unless they enter a building.
    • For Boo and Wendel, they will "jumpscare" a mortal.
    • Due to Clatterclaws not having a movement animation, the power will work immediately.
  • Each ghost has their own unique sound effect for the power.
    • While Azrael does have his own unique sound now, he used to be silent due to the sound not being set up.