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Causes a minor earthquake; the ground shakes briefly and then subsides.


Tremor is a tier 2 Ground power which causes the area around the haunter to shake for a moment.

All mortals present suffer Light Normal Horror and all objects in the area get hit with +1 Structural damage.


Ghosts which already know the power:

Ghosts which can learn the power:

Sound Effect



  • Similarly to powers like Fluster, Tremor has two versions of itself in the files however due to a mistake they have no differences between them at all.
    • Based on the official guide, the placement of the power on the power list as well as an unused entry for it being that in the text file of the game one of the Tremors was supposed to be in the Telekinetic family.
      • The version of the power that would have been Telekinetic if properly named isn't used in the game by any ghost.