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A being of air cannot sing, but rather becomes the song itself. Aether has inhabited music for hundreds of years, and so is a popular spirit at parties.


Aether used to frolic around the organ pipes before they fell silent.

-Beta Epitaph

Aether is an Air Elemental who joins the Ghost Master's team at the start of Act 1.


Aether is a small, fairy-like creature with a pink skin colour and what seems to be webbed feet and hands. They have a set of wings on their back that allow their to fly as well as two large protrusions. Aether has blue eyes and three pieces of skin sticking out of the back of their head. Interestingly, they lack skin on their back, which exposes their flesh, spine and brain. There is a constant stream of glistening particles coming out of their mouth at all times.

Cut Content

Aether was supposed to appear as a Restless Spirit in The Uninvited. They were bound to the pipe organs located in Carter's manor. While the exact nature of their puzzle is unknown, based on their unused lines as a Restless Spirit it would have involved having wind blow through the organs.


Level Power Teachable
8 Shattering Song -
7 Whisper Yes
6 Wail Yes
5 Shriek Thunderclap Yes
4 Piping -
3 Howl Laughter Yes
2 Gather Winds -
1 Footsteps Moan Yes

Voice lines

Normal Lines
"I breathe my last…"
"I`m temporarily winded."
Beta Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"Once these conduits ran thick with the harmonious flowing of the air, a symphonic collision of rushing currents, and I frolicked heedlessly within their flows. Now the air is still, and Aether can fly no more. I would surely aid any who could win my freedom."
Restless Spirit 2
"Aether offers loyalty to one who might free a hapless spirit from this tubular prison."
Lay To Rest
“Freeeee! Ah, the sweet pleasure of circulation! A spirit of my word, I pledge fealty to your cause.”
“The dreaded vacuum…!”


Model Renders

In-Game Screenshots


  • Aether was originally a trapped ghost that was supposed to make an appearance in The Uninvited.
  • Due to a mistake, originally Aether didn't use their banishment voice line in the base game despite having it in the files. This has since been fixed in Complete Edition.
  • Both Air Elementals share the same model with minor differences in eye and skin colour.
  • Air Elementals and Water Elementals share certain animations with each other such as banishment and power usage animations.
  • Aether and Stonewall are the only ghosts the Ghost Master receives at the start of Act 1 that don't make an appearance in the intro animation.
  • Aether is the most recommended ghost in the original version of the game, being a possible suggestion in 12 levels.
    • As of Complete Edition's Chronicler Update and it's Recommended Team rework, her number of appearances had decreased to 6 levels.
  • Aether is the only ghost that can learn Piping.