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Raindancer enjoys playing with mortals by dressing in rainbows and leading them on fruitless quests for gold.


It was an unfortunate accident which left Raindancer trapped in a toilet cistern.

-Beta Epitaph

Raindancer is a Water Elemental encountered in Summoners Not Included. They are trapped in the toilet located in the outhouse outside the cabin.


Raindancer is a small humanoid creature with blue eyes and pale blue skin with dark blue streaks going through their arms and legs. Raindancer is naked with visible brests. Their hands and feet resemble fins which they use to hover in the air. Raindancer's head has a large pertrusion coming from her head which resembles a caudal fin of a fish. The back of their head shows a white part which could be their skull. Bubbles are constantly bobing up around Raindancer.

How To Free

Raindancer can be freed by "unleashing the torrent" of the toilet, in other words, flushing the toilet. Unfortunately, the outhouse is guarded by a beehive and the bees will chase off any mortal who approaches. The beehive can be destroyed by dealing enough structural damage to it. Stonewall's Tremor or a strong wind created by Weatherwitch and Whisperwind will destroy the beehive. Alternatively, using Haunted Hail near the beehive will also destroy it (Weatherwitch can be taught this power). After the beehive is destroyed, mortals will eventually go to the bathroom and flush the toilet. Be careful to not start any events in this level as it will cause all mortals to drop what they are doing and go to the event point. There is a way to force a mortal to vomit into the toilet which would speed up the process of freeing Raindancer. If a mortal is hit with high neutral terror at once, they will go to the bathroom and vomit. This can be done by making Richard Getley Uneasy using Flower Power and then using Terrorise (Shivers and Ghastly can learn it).


Level Power Teachable
8 Flood -
7 Haunted Hail -
6 Gore Yes
5 Thunderclap Yes
4 Hailstones Yes
3 Rain -
2 Distant Thunder -
1 Fog Yes

Voice lines

Normal Lines
Restless Spirit 1
"Curse my foolishness, Raindancer may dance no more. How foetid and foul this porcelain contraption built by mortal hand. When will they unleash the torrent within, and flush this spirit`s way to freedom?"
Restless Spirit 2
"Can you not aid Raindancer? There must be some way to release the water within..."
Lay to Rest
"Ah, the blessed flow! Now turn Raindancer to our enemies, that she may fall upon them!"
"Is this what mortals call `evaporation`?"
Dispel (Unused)
"By the clouds of my ancestors…!"


Concept Art

In-Game Screenshots


  • Raindancer is the only elemental to have gotten any piece of concept art.
  • While it is impossible under normal circumstances, if you use Gore on the toilet Raindancer is bound to she will be freed.
  • Raindancer is one of few ghosts that disappear when revisiting the level in a future act.
  • Air Elementals and Water elementals share certain animations with each other such as banishment and power usage animations.