Romeo Martinez

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Romeo Martinez was a cut mortal who would have later on become a ghost.

He would have first appeared as a mortal in A Fistful of Plasm where Romeo would have been a member of the Barracuda gang which was at war with the Jade gang lead by Julie Wu. While the two are strongly tied together the nature of their relationship is unknown however based on their inspiration they would be lovers either from the start or after a certain point in the game's story.

Later on he would have returned in For a Few Plasm More along with Julie Wu as ghosts. It's unknown when and how the two would have exactly died exactly or how they would have joined you.



  • Both Romeo and Julie Wu are a reffrence to "West Side Story" which was an adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet".
  • The model that Smiley O'Conner from The Unusual Suspects uses is named after Romeo, implying that his model was reused for him however unlike Julie Wu from the same level his name was not kept.
    • The exact name of the model is Romeo Rodriguez, implying a possible name change however it's not known which surname is the newer one.
  • The concept art for Romeo seems to have him depicted as a Greeser however the model leftover in the game has him shown as a mexican gangster.