Summoners Not Included

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Trick the mortals into summoning the Darkling by using the ancient tome.


Summoners Not Included is the final scenario of Act 1. It takes place in Dr Krauss' cabin in the woods. We visit this location in order to trick the three students into summoning the Darkling.


Cut Mortals

Restless Spirits

Recommended Ghosts

This team offers a lot of diversity when it comes to solving the levels puzzle as it allows you to both use the key and axe method using Tremor and Attraction powers respectively. If you bring Weatherwitch to the level, it's safe to swap out both Maxine for a ghost good at scaring due to the need of scaring Dr Krauss away at the end of the level. Boo is a versatile ghost who can help in both getting the book down with Kinesis as well as luring mortals to the basement with Rattle Chains. Stonewall is a particularly usefull ghost in this level as Tremor can blow the leaves away, break the beehive and make the summoning book come down off the shelve. They can also be taught Quake to immediately destroy the doors to the basement as well as break the beehive and dreamcatcher binding Whisperwind. Arclight and Shivers are both good options for the end of the mission as both of them are good scarers who can get rid of Dr Krauss easily.


The level consists of a small cabin in the woods surounded by an outside area with an outhouse containing the key to the basement. The cabin has one floor and a basement and is powered by a generator in the workshop attached to the cabin. The cabin itself has two bedrooms, one radio room, a kitchen and a living room with a small porch at the fron. There is a logging area at the top right corner of the map where an axe can be found that can be used to open the basement. The hatch to the basement is located outside of the kitchen. The basement itself is a small room with many barrels and crates as well as the summoning book on top of one of the crates and a audio recorder and Moonscream's grave.

Cut Content

Originally, once the three students got to the basement and discover the ancient tome, Bruce Elm would have objected to performing the ritual and he would have been the mortal needed to scare away in order for the ritual to continiue. As a resault of this change, Bruce Elm would have not had his soul sucked and would instead escape into the forrest where he would eventually go insane.

Narrator Voice Lines

Normal Lines
"A rash professor of the occult recently took a powerful tome to the woods with the goal of summoning an ancient spirit known as the Darkling. Fleeing his cabin after disastrous initial experiments, he renewed his research at the University. Three of his students, rapt with dreams of power, have stolen his notes and journeyed to the cabin intending to locate the arcane book for their own nefarious purposes. Aid them in performing the summoning so we may recruit the Darkling for ourselves."
"Trick the mortals into summoning the Darkling by using the ancient tome."
Mortals go down the cellar while the book is hidden
"The mortals have entered the cellar, but their searching skills are sadly inadequate. Perhaps it would help if the book could be moved."
Professor arrives
"Ghost Master! Do not allow the deranged Professor to foil our plans."
Ritual successful
"The ritual is complete, but the Darkling needs more souls to be freed. A task for later attention. For the time being, enjoy your victory."
A Student flees
"One of your summoners has fled, and without three, this haunting cannot succeed."
"Manipulate all three mortals into summoning the Darkling by using the ancient tome."
Beta Lines
"Your task is to summon the Darkling, an ancient and evil spirit that was imprisoned in the woods centuries ago. However, we haunters cannot cast the rites of summoning; you will require mortals to carry out our bidding. A rash professor of the occult recently took a powerful tome to the woods and has payed the price for his dabbling... Three corrupt researchers, rapt with dreams of power, have come looking for him, they should be perfect for the task. All the details are in the ancient tome but you'll have to get the foolish warm bloods to read it first! And if any of them oppose the ritual, dispose of them!"
Unused Voice-less lines
Unused Briefing 1 "A rash professor of the occult recently took a powerful arcane tome to his cabin in the woods. Not willing to risk his own soul, he has sent three corrupt researchers, rapt with deams of power, to attempt to locate the arcane book. They should be perfect for the task."
Unused Briefing 2 "Your task is to summon the Darkling, an ancient spirit that was imprisoned in the woods centuries ago. However, we haunters cannot cast the rites of summoning; you will require mortals to carry out our bidding. A rash professor of the occult recently took a powerful tome to the woods with the goal of summoning an ancient spirit known as the Darkling. Fleeing his cabin after disastrous initial experiments, he renewed his research at the University. Three of his students, rapt with dreams of power, have stolen his notes and journeyed to the cabin intending to locate the arcane book for their own nefarious purposes. Aid them in performing the summoning so we may recruit the Darkling for ourselves."



  • Dr. Brunner is present on the mortal list of the scenario in the game files although she never spawns. She was set to spawn in the radio room of the cabine.
  • The name of the level is a reffrence to a phrase "Batteries Not Included".
  • The cabin, the students, the poster and the summoning tome are a reference to 1981 Horror, called Evil Dead.
    • The three students name's reference characters/actors from the Evil Dead 2. Sarah Knowby references Annie Knowby and her actress Sarah Uriarte Berry, Richard Gatley references Ed Gatley and his actor Richard Domeier and Bruce Elm references the actor Bruce Campbell.
      • Bruce is the only character to not reference a character in Evil Dead 2 by surname. The reason for this given by a developer was that they felt like naming him Bruce Ash was too obvious of a reffrence so they changed it for a diffrent tree.
        • While not confirmed it's possible that the Elm tree was chosen as a reference to the titular Elm Street from The Nightmare on Elm Street.
  • The summoning tome has a picture of Darkling on it.
    • While not visable in game the texture for the book also has concept art for Cogjammer on it.
    • In the console/beta version of the game it has Windwalker instead
  • A phrase "Born to Spook" is visible on the gravestone in the poster. The phrase is a recurring reference to 1987 Drama, Full Metal Jacket.
  • Bruce Elm originally not having his soul sucked by the Darkling in the mission might have been the reason why he's the only person that we see survive the ritual.