Spooky Hollow

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Identify the Dragoon`s master, then reveal their identity to the other mortals!


Spooky Hollow is a scenario occurring in Act 3. It takes place on Hamner's farmstead. We visit this location in order to free Dragoon from the control of Earl Walton and recruit him to our terror campaign as well as exerting revenge over the one responsible for controlling Dragoon.


Cut Mortals

Restless Spirits

Recommended Ghosts

This is a mostly pure puzzle mission with one mortal that needs to be scared off, similar to Summoners Not Included. Moribund, Whisperwind and Weatherwtich can be used to create a storm which will disrupt the Dragoon ritual, but also free Stormtalon. Banzai can be used to break the shack Black Crow is trapped in, which can also be done with another thunderstorm. Thorne can be used to free Scarecrow thanks to his innate Gushing Blood, but the power is a bit pricey meaning you will have to scare some mortals in order to build up plasm. Alternatively, you could pick Harriet and Hard Boiled for the same purpose which is way cheaper. Both Moribund and Thorne also serve a purpose later on in the mission as they can use Possess in order to prevent Dragoon from scaring away the mortal who saw the ritual, which can also be done with Daydreamer's Unearthly Calm. Any ghost with attraction powers is useful in this mission as you need to get a mortal over to the windmill, and Blue Murder has innate Obsession which is one of the best attraction powers. Buck is a good outside scaring ghost for the last part of the level, but he can be swapped with whatever a Ghost Master prefers for this purpose.


The Hamner farmstead is a large open area with few small bodies of water on it. In the middle of the map, a large inaccessible house is present with a shed to the left of it and small outhouse to the right. To the right of the farm house, there is small shack containing the corpse Black Crow and to the top, a large windmill in which the ritual to control Dragoon is taking place. The grave of Dragoon is located to the right of the windmill. There are two large bridges located on the map which act as escape points for the mortals.

While not a part of the level's playable area, the famhouse has a simple dirt basement filled with nothing but chairs which serve to keep mortals in one place while they wait to leave the house.

Cut Content

Originally, Smokin' Joe would have been a restless spirit in this level, he would have however been impossible to free and would have just served as a teaser for Field of Nightmares.

Narrator Voice Lines

Normal Lines
"We are always seeking spirits to add to our forces, and Headless Horsemen are one of the rarest of haunters (after all, how often does a person on a horse lose their head…). We have discovered that there is a conspiracy afoot to develop Spooky Hollow, one involving the summoning of a headless horseman known as the Dragoon. Your task is to find the conspirator, expose them to their fellow mortals, and find a way to recruit the Dragoon, so that we may use it to punish the mortals who foolishly believe they can dabble in our affairs without fear of the consequences."
"Identify the Dragoon`s master, then reveal their identity to the other mortals!"
Dragoon about to chase the mortal
"Do not allow the Dragoon to chase the mortal from Spooky Hollow!"
Mortal discovers the conspirator and arrives at the farmhouse
"News of the cousin`s treachery will doubtless bring a swift retribution!"
All mortals have fled
"With all mortals who could oppose the summoning in flight, it seems your enemy has succeeded in their goal."
Opening (Unused)
"Expose the one who summoned the Dragoon, then recruit that spirit to punish this foolish mortal!"
Defeat (Unused)
"It seems the enemy has fullfilled their goal, whilst you have not."
Objective Reminder (Unused)
"Nefarious deeds transpire within the windmill`s walls - find some way to intervene"
Control over Dragoon broken 1 (Unused)
"The mortal`s hold over the Dragoon is broken!"
Control over Dragoon broken 2 (Unused)
"Finish him off!"


Concept Art

Beta Renders


  • This level is a reference to a 1820 short story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
    • The name of the level directly references the village of Sleepy Hollow.
    • Both stories revolve around a restless spirit of a Headless Horseman that terrorizes the area as their main focus.
  • Spooky Hollow used to have unused sound files for ambient sounds left in the files, Complete Edition restored them so now they play.