Sarah Knowby

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Sarah is a ruthless woman and afraid of lightning.

Daughter of the missing Professor of the Occult, Sarah is a ruthless woman and afraid of lightning.

-Beta version of her Bio from Summoners Not Included

Sarah Knowby is a student at a Gravenville Collage. Along with her friends Richard Getley and Bruce Elm they have stolen Dr. Krauss reaserch notes and learned about the existance of the Darkling who they wish to summon and use for their nefferious goals.

It is unknown what exactly happened to her after having her soul sucked out by the Darkling.


  • Sarah Knowby is based on Annie Knowby, a character played by Sarah Berry in a 1987 comedy horror movie Evil Dead II.
  • According to Richard Getley's bio she has an on and off romantic relationship with him.
  • While in the beta version of the game she was reffered to as the daughther of the Professor of the Occult, a title which Dr. Krauss in the final game goes by, the version of the game that the bio was taken from doesn't mention Krauss as having said position in it and leaves the fate of the Professor a mystery.