Jerry Sizzler

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Jerry had to be separated from his 'sister', who has been moved elsewhere. They are convinced they are lounge singers, and not two clearly insane people.

Jerry seeks his sister, also named Jerry.

Jerry Sizzler is an insane person staying at the Gravenville Hospital along with Leon Compowski, Barton Turturro, Jack McMurphy and Bruce Elm.


  • Jerry Sizzler is based on Jerry Sizzler, a character from a Canadian sketch comedy TV series called The Kids in the Hall.
    • His bio references how the sketches that he references were about two insane people (who are always introduced as "not two clearly insane people") performing various acts including being lounge singers.
  • He shares his model and icon with other insane people in the hospital.
    • All of them used to share an issue with a missing dark background however it was fixed in Complete Edition.