Bruce Elm

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Bruce is a self-centred man, with finely honed instincts for self-preservation.

Being trapped in the woods with the Darkling has ravaged Bruce and driven him insane.

-Beta version of the Bio from The Blair Wisp Project

Bruce Elm is a student at a Gravenville College. Along with his friends Sarah Knowby and Richard Getley, they have stolen Dr. Krauss research notes and learned about the existence of the Darkling, who they wish to summon and use for their nefarious goals.

Having his soul sucked out by the Darkling left him in a comatose state and completely insane, which let Dr. Krauss take him to power the astral prison he set up for the Darkling in What Lies Over the Cuckoo's Nest?.

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Originally during the events of Summoners Not Included, Bruce would have eventually gone against his group and stop them from performing the ritual once they would discover the ancient tome in the basement. He would then need to be scared away from the level in order to let Sarah and Richard perform the ritual themselves.

As a result of not participating in the ritual, Bruce Elm would have kept his soul intact. He would have however still appeared in The Blair Wisp Project, not in a comatose state as he does in a final version, but as a regular insane person after being stuck in the forest for too long.



  • Bruce Elm and Dr. Krauss are the only people who we can see "survive" having their soul sucked by the Darkling as everyone else just disappears.
  • Bruce Elm is based on Ash Williams, a character played by Bruce Campbell in a 1981 horror movie Evil Dead.
    • Bruce Elm breaks the usual mortal naming pattern, because the developers felt that 'Ash' in any context was too obviously an Evil Dead reference, so it was switched for another tree.
  • The model of Bruce used in What Lies Over the Cuckoo's Nest? has differently colored hair compared to his regular model, being almost fully gray while his previous model had black hair with white spots on the sides of his head.
  • Despite changing his model in What Lies Over the Cuckoo's Nest?, his icon remains the same.