Cut Opposition

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Along with the opposition in the game there would have originally been way more types of them, ranging from more mortals to enemy Ghost Masters.

Enemy Haunters

Originally, along with Dragoon, there would have been a few more enemy haunters who would have either scared mortals like he did or would have fought against the Ghost Master's haunters directly. Among the known ones are:

Puppet Master

The Puppet Master would have been an enemy ghost master who would have appeared in Dark Passage, where they would have controlled their own ghost (Harlequin) and place them in various places in order to scare mortals and stop the Ghost Master in accomplishing their mission. They would have been connected to an artifact called The Mortis Gate, which they would have been protecting from mortals who the Ghost Master would have tried to guide in order to discover said artifact.

Appearance wise they would have been appeared as a skeletal hand, holding a puppet's crosspiece made from two bones with ethereal "strings" coming from it.


Investigators were a cut type of mortal opposition who, rather then banishing ghosts, would have instead talked to other mortals and try to calm them down by explaining the supernatural events in a scientific way, causing the mortal's scepticism to increase while also lowering their terror. They would have been split into:

Reckless Student would have been the weakest type of an investigators and would have carried cameras, meaning that the three film students from The Uninvited and The Blair Wisp Project might have been meant to be ones originally.

Ghost Hunters would have been investigators who had prior experience with ghosts. It is unknown if they would have been a completely separate type of opposition or an additional skill given to the normal opposition, like the Ghostbreakers.

An Unused Model For The Parapsychologist

Parapsychologist would have been the second strongest type of an Investigator, who would have been a psychologists. The only one known to have existed is Dr. Diana Radin (Who's model was later reused for Dr. Brunner, although it's possible that they were also planned Investigators).

Professional Sceptic would have been the strongest type of an Investigator who had a deeply rooted disbelief in the supernatural.

Mad Investigator while not as strong as Professional Sceptics, Mad Investigators could not have been scared away and the only way to stop them from rationalising would have been making them insane.

Believers were the sole exception to the Investigator type and were more of an Anti-Investigator as Believers would have increase the belief in ghosts among other mortals using the same methods as every other Investigator.


Exorcists were a class of mortal opposition would have specialised in banishing ghosts through rituals. They would have originally been split into Foolish Occultists and Mediums, however only the latter made it into the game (with Beatrice Leash as the only one).

Foolish Occultists would have been the weakest type of mortal opposition in the game, as they would take the longest to banish any type of a haunter. They were also described as "their attempts at exorcism will probably make matters worse" although it's not known if that was actually ever the case.


Clerics were a class of mortal opposition would have specialised in banishing ghosts through Chants. They would have originally been split into Student Witches (Who showed up in the game through the three student witches), Priests (Who showed up in game with Father William Mulcahy although more are known to have been originally planned) and two cut types with:

The Cut Model of A Calusari

Calusari would have been Jewish priests with more experience compared to their christian counterparts. Despite their description and design, they were inspired and named after an episode of X-Files called "The Calusari" which featured members of the Călușari, a fraternal secret society who practice a ritual acrobatic dance known as the căluș, with it's origins laying in Romania.

The Cut Model Of A Shaman

Shamans were spiritually attuned Native Americans who would have been a unique type of opposition, which would have used both Chanting and Rituals to banish ghosts, although they only belonged to the Cleric class specifically. They would have been inspired by Taylor, a native american shaman from Poltergeist II: The Other Side.

Men In Black (MIBs)

The Cut Model Of A Covert Operative

The Men In Black would have been a secret government organisation which would have banished ghosts with the use of high-tech gadgets, similarly to the Ghostbreakers. Similarly to them as well, they would have been split into multiple groups of mortals, some of whom would have not been opposition while others would have been ones. The only member of this group to have made it into the game is Dr. Brunner, although she's not any type of opposition in the game (Although she might have been a Parapsychologist originally before they were cut).

Electric Eel

In The Abysmal there would have been an electric eel which would have swam around the level while scaring mortals and serving as an electrical fetter, making it technically count as mortal opposition.