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Superghost was a mechanic cut early in development which would have increased a ghost's power in some way while also often giving the ghosts under it's effect a new design.

While the specifics of what a Superghost would have gained aren't fully known what is known for sure is that they would have gained access to more powers, have their base plasm cost increased, improve the effects of certain powers and their type would change into an upgraded form of their normal one, out of which known paths are:

  • Poltergeist > Pandemonium
  • Fetch > Doppleganger
  • Mane > Prowler
  • Apparition > Vision
  • Phantom > Phantasm
  • Wight > Revenant
  • Trickster > Shape Shifter/Shapechanger
  • Shadow > Shade
  • Spectre > Dominator
  • Wraith > Dire Wraith


  • While not confirmed there are two more types leftover in the files which are likely meant to be superghosts, specifically:
    • Sandman > Nightmare
    • Headless Horseman > Flaming Horseman